Corporate and Social responsibility



GKL Leasing is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its operations through the adoption of sustainable practices and continual improvement in environmental performance. We consider the ‘Duty of Care’ imposed by legislation as a minimum standard to be set and maintained, and we aim to develop a sustainable business that is financially viable and environmentally sustainable.  By the very nature of our activities, GKL contributes to achieving a low-carbon world: We ensure that drivers have access to the latest and most efficient vehicles. We actively advise and provide consultancy to customers on the process and benefits of adopting zero and low emission vehicles.  In 2022, 69.7% of the vehicles we had on order with manufacturers were zero or low emission, in 2023 70%, and in 2024 to date 55% are. These figures far exceed the UK average of 16.5% for Battery Electric Vehicle sales in 2023 and the UK target of 22% for 2024. However progress has been impacted by the five year delay to the phasing out of combustion engines announced by the Government in September 2023, and the removal of the plugin grant in 2022.

Practice what we preach – Since 2019 GKL have offered their company car drivers zero emission vehicles and actively encouraged drivers to adopt low or zero emission vehicles.  In 2019 15% of our drivers used hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles, in 2022, over 80% of staff drivers had adopted them, in 2024 all our company car users have adopted zero or low Co2 vehicles.

Key actions taken by GKL to support these aims.

  • Establish a Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework within which vehicles with low or zero Co2 emissions have lower cost funding. This helps provide a stronger case for customers to adopt low emission vehicles.
  • Specialise in providing vehicle CO2 reduction consultation to our customers. As an early adopter and promoter of Electric Vehicles, GKL Leasing has taken its customers forward to be well established early adopters of BEV’s (Battery Powered Electric Vehicles).
  • As our customers typically replace their vehicles every 3-4 years we have started to provide a 2nd generation of electric vehicles and are also selling an increasing number of used EVs to the public and companies that would otherwise be put off by the costs. Recently we are working with Tropical Mobility in Jamaica to export used EVs and so assist their Government’s aim of moving from fossil fuels to solar energy which they have in abundance.
  • We have increased the lifespan of our EV vehicles from 3 to 5 years and are actively encouraging staff to re-use vehicles rather than order new ones for clients. This opens up EV leasing to a broader client base as the  entry price point is lower than for new EV vehicles.
  • Provide electric vehicle charging points at all GKL owned customer facing premises. Provide sustainable EV charging facilities for staff and the public by utilising solar panels as far as possible to supply the electric demands of GKL’s charging points and office use.

Virtually the entire roof of our offices in Princes Risborough is given over to Solar Panels generating circa 28 MWh of electricity p.a. On sunny days we produce enough power to charge several vehicles at the same time, all unused energy is fed back into the grid.



2024 Bi-annual energy figures – GKL Leasing Princes Risborough

Images shown, GKL Site, Roof of GKL Leasing, EV charge points, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire.

  • Plan our vehicle collections to make them as efficient and environmentally friendly as possible, using public transport, trains, buses, and walking for as many journeys as practical. In 2018 we relocated to a purpose-built site close to a main line rail station to support this aim. From May 2023 – May 2024 our distribution drivers completed circa 16,000 miles of rail travel which is generally regarded as very low Co2 transport.
  • Continue to grow our Cycle to work Scheme for our staff
  • Minimising waste and Co2 by continually evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible. For example using pre-owned parts to repair and refurbish vehicles where appropriate, and actively promote and continue to conduct separated recycling across all our office locations.
  • Reduction of printing by automating existing printing requirements, and continuous printer upgrade programme. Where we do have to print, we default to printing on both sides, and default to using minimal toner and paper with a high recycled content. Widespread use of two screen workstations to minimise printing in since 2022.
  • Paperless invoicing and quoting as the default set up
  • Plastic free purchasing of workwear and corporate gifts where possible.
  • Minimised use of chemicals for site maintenance and pest control.
  • Education of staff and customers in best green practices.




We work towards responsible business, self-regulation, and best practice through our CSR (corporate social responsibility) commitments. These are aimed at our current and future clients, service providers and partners. We are always seeking to make a positive impact on the wider community.  Treat customers and stakeholders in an honest and transparent way, ‘How we would wish to be treated ourselves’. GKL are members of the British Vehicle Leasing and Rental association, (BVRLA), and are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

We have adopted and follow the codes of practice of both organisations.

Be conscious of the environment beyond our immediate operations and take steps to prevent pollution and minimise environmental harm and nuisance, through:  Develop sustainable supply chains by using suppliers wherever appropriate that have environmental standards compatible with our own.

We aim to continually lower the company’s vehicle fleet average CO2 emissions, based on a vehicle purchasing policy taking into account C02 emission values proposed by OEMs. Green Vehicles (vehicles emitting less than 50g CO2/km, in alignment with EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities).  Our aspiration is to supply more than 60%  “green” vehicles (electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid) by the end of 2025.  (38% as of 31st May 2023, 56% as of May 2024, based on 3718 vehicles)

The achievement of these green fleet targets is highly dependent on:

  • The ability of car manufacturers to produce and deliver a significant number of low-emission and “green” vehicles, and their willingness to make these available to leasing and rental companies.
  • The pace at which the UK deploys charging infrastructure
  • Increasing demand by clients towards “green” solutions
  • Governmental support for ZEV mandate

We will use all relevant means, notably long-term relationships with car manufacturers, as well as relationships with charging partners, to influence and impact the above, thus enabling our objectives.


Carbon footprint

We are using a carbon planner to estimate our footprint.  As a small business we are not obliged to report our figures but as an advocate of low Co2 transport we want to monitor and continually improve our performance.  As our Co2 footprint is typically much lower than the industry averages suggested by the planner we have set an incremental rather than step change target that is recommended by the tool using a science based approach. We have included 16,000 miles of rail travel within our figures together with 16,000 miles of car delivery / collection mileage split 50% EV, 50% ICE.  In time we hope to incorporate our supply chain into the estimate but we currently source vehicles from multiple manufacturers who produce different vehicles in different regions and countries and do not currently offer the necessary data.

Train Line journeys May 23 – May 24  1 of 4 drivers




We regularly donate to national and local charities and to fundraising events throughout the year. Whether this involves charitable giving or reducing vehicle costs, we will continually support charities and local community programmes where possible.  For several years now, we have selected the Royal British Legion as the key charity that we support, by making a large donation each year. Other charities, small and large, are also supported. Both our staff and customers are consulted and preference is given to charities that have some link with staff or customers.


GKL leasing is proud to be a supporter of The Royal British Legion.

The Royal British Legion, formed in 1921, provides lifelong support for the Armed Forces community – serving men and women, veterans, and their families. They help members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force veterans and their families all year round. Campaigning to improve their lives, organise the Poppy Appeal and remember the fallen. The Royal British Legion also donates heavily to Help for Heroes.


GKL leasing is proud to be a supporter of the Marylebone Cricket Club Foundation.

The MCC Foundation was founded in 1993 and is the charitable arm of the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) based at Lord’s cricket ground. The ethos is based around transforming lives through cricket both nationally and internationally.  Running a networks of Hubs providing free coaching and match-play.  MCC’s Community Development Department is active in Westminster and delivers cricket to state schools, runs programmes to reduce social isolation and helps the unemployed back into work. Overseas the MCC has a strong presence in support of Afghan Connection and the Foundation for Goodness in post-tsunami Sri Lanka. The MCCF aims to raise funds and deliver programmes to help develop the game off the field and at grass roots.



We endeavour to treat all our customers and employees fairly and ethically, whilst continuously maintaining best practice.